1. Meeting our Mission, Developing a Premier Oncology Nursing Learning Event
Timothy Freitas, MS PhD RN
Cynthia Dasaad,
Nancy Loporchio
Deborah Lorick
Marie Seitz
Gilanie De Castro
Sylvia Estrada
2. Implementation of a Process to Reduce Patient Surgical wait time and improve Patient satisfaction in an Oncology perioperative setting
Michelle Johann, DNP RN PHN CPAN
3. Collaboration & Teamwork: A Playbook for Success
Michelle Johann, DNP RN PHN CPAN
4. Emerging Roles in Remote Oncology Nursing
Wendy Nuval Bacerra MSN RN JD
Christine Joligon
Christina Batchelder
Fe Virginia del Casal
5. Take A Break Intervention
Martha Inofuentes-Likins MSN RN OCN CMSRN
6. Celebrating the Diversity of Our Patients
Kimako Desvignes
7. Enhancing the Nurse Patient Communication and Patient Satisfaction
Carolina Uranga
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